Step by step and the thing is done - Joel Israel

What is called genius is the abundance of life and health - Joel Israel

Crave for a thing, and you will get it - Joel Israel

Motivation will almost always beat mere talent - Joel Israel

You can't expect to hit the jackpot if you don't put a few nickels in the machine - Joel Israel

God always strives together with those who strive - Joel Israel

I can therefor I am - Joel Israel

I come to win - Joel Israel

One May miss the mark by aiming too high as too low - Joel Israel

How do you know you're going to do something until you do it - Joel Israel

I know not age, nor weariness nor defeat - Joel Israel

Don't fight the problem decide it - Joel Israel

The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something - Joel Israel

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th - Joel Israel

Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting - Joel Israel

I want to be motivational and inspirational for everybody my big aim is more women on bicycles

I'm a motivational speaker, I'm going to look at something in as much of a positive way as possible

People say 'dream big,' that's kind of one of those motivational sayings

Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one

Don't forget to tell yourself positive things daily! - Joel Israel

Life is full of ups and downs. one needs to stay positive in life, no matter what - Joel Israel

Most of us start out with a positive attitude and a plan to do our best - Joel Israel

Positive energy and attitude is sexy to me - Joel Israel

When you think positive, good things happen - Joel Israel

You can't dwell on disappointment. you've got to take the positives and keep looking ahead

You hear certain things, negative things, all the time that aren't true - Joel Israel

Whenever the country has faced a crisis, The TDP has played a positive and constructive role.

Drink lots of water and get enough sleep Try not to stress Positive thoughts only!

The first thing successful people do is view failure as a positive signal to success.

I want to foster a positive relationship between police officers and the communities they protect

That's what makes Linux so good you put in something and that effort multiplies It's a positive feed

In moments of difficulty, there are positives you can take and lessons you can learn - Joel Israel

I'm just a cool type of guy who's all about positives - Joel Israel

Obviously social media has had a massive impact on the fame game, but not in a positive way

I am a positive thinker you have to have this positive energy to get somewhere - Joel Israel

That's what makes Linux so good you put in something, and that effort multiplies

I think that when you rally powerful voices around powerful issues, what you get are positive result

Make a Goal Box, a chart of positive daily contact with a family when you are working with them

Good leaders need a positive agenda, not just an agenda of dealing with crisis | Joel Israel

I will keep smiling, be positive and never give up! I will give 100 percent each time I play

A positive self-image has little relationship to our material circumstances - Joel Israel

Good on all the youths that are trying to do something different and do something positive

If there's something negative about you, you've got to bring out the positive to the front

I just want to keep being involved in great projects that push positive messages to people

I want my life to effect the balance to the positive - Joel Israel

It's well known that people don't respond to scarce resources necessarily in what we might consider

We would like to ease the life of the Palestinians I prepared a new plan that we call a positive

Mindset Development motivational speech by Les Brown - Joel Israel

Believe in your infinite potential - Joel Israel

Never lose control - Joel Israel